Are Stairlifts Easy To Use?

Last Updated on November 20, 2023

Are stair lifts easy to use?

Stairlifts are extremely easy to use. You can simply sit on them, secure yourself, and press the button to go. We have looked at some easy ways for how you should use the stairlift at the top and bottom of your stairs.

Key Points:

  • Reclining on a stairlift requires lowering the backrest, seat, and footrest.
  • At the base of the stairlift, you must lower the seat and fold the armrests to use them.
  • A stairlift might be a far less stressful option for looking for a new house in the area if it allows you to keep your independence and not have to give up any of the room upstairs.

Top Of The Stairs Using A Stairlift

Reclining on a stairlift requires lowering the backrest, seat, and footrest. Simply pull a lever, and your seat will rotate so that you are no longer facing the door. Put your seat back where it belongs and fasten your safety belt before starting your descent.

Bottom Of The Stairs Using A Stairlift

You must lower the seat, and you must fold the armrests in. Ensure that your legs touch the front of the seat and your hands reach the armrests before sitting down. A power-folding footrest is recommended if the user has restricted movement and cannot manually fold down the footrest while seated.

Is A Stairlift A Good Idea?

A stairlift might be a far less stressful option for looking for a new house in the area if it allows you to keep your independence and not have to give up any of the room upstairs.

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